Month: January 2017

Release Day for Secrets Return

Release Day for Secrets Return

Wow, has this been a crazy day. Since Secrets Return was the first book I set up for pre-order, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. Looks like everything worked out okay. (I hope!!!)

The release of this book was an experiment for me. As of last night, only a handful of people had read this book. Only one blogger received a copy, and who knows if she’ll feel inclined to write a review. I hope so, but I’d never expect that of someone.

For weeks, I shaped and reshaped the words until I felt they painted the picture I saw in my mind. The way this book makes me feel – I can only hope other people feel the same way. Again, I’d never expect. Only hope. Don’t know if I was successful, but I decided to follow that old saying ‘write what you like.’

Secrets Return is definitely my favorite of the two.

What was different about this release was the lack of advertising. I did some ads last week when Leftover Girl was listed as a free download for three days, ending in thousands of downloads. Yeah, it surprised me too. The real question is – did anyone out there (other than me) like this story enough to read a second book? Turns out, there was at least one person.

Don’t take this the wrong way, because I think advertising is vital to selling books. Problem is, at this point I’m more interested in finishing books 3 and 4 than I am promoting the first two. Bad move? Maybe. My heart is really in finishing this series and later this year I’ll boost those promo efforts. Right now I’m going to sit back and write. And keep writing.

Maybe you’ll like the first two books and tell a friend. Maybe you won’t. The main take-away here is I plan to do this writing thing for many years to come. I’ve got so many stories to tell. Hopefully at least one will be for you.

Secrets Return – Almost Ready!!!

Secrets Return – Almost Ready!!!

I’m happy to say I finished formatting Secrets Return for print today, so it looks as if the paperback edition will be ready for release on 1/24 with the Kindle edition. For anyone who’s tried to write a book and format using Microsoft Word – it’s an interesting challenge. Rewarding when it’s done, but whoa getting there…

Secrets Return is a book I’m really looking forward to publishing. Not just because I really like the story, but also because the second time around everything from writing to the dreaded formatting seemed easier, more enjoyable. I’d venture to say I can’t wait until I get there with book # 3. I’ve got a title in mind, but we won’t go there quite yet!

Be on the lookout for two more Leftover Girl books in 2017 and a stand-alone romance.