So Far, So Good

So Far, So Good

It’s been a long journey for me. At some point, I thought just writing my first book and maybe getting it published would put the finish line in sight.

Are you laughing yet?

When I decided that self-publishing would be the best way to meet my personal goals, while working a full-time job, I didn’t factor in the time it takes for editing, cover design (not that I personally completed either of those tasks), and marketing – this is the big one, not to mention the time it would take me to scour the Internet to determine what the heck to do next.

Not that it’s been all bad. It’s been a rush of rocky mountains and deep, deep ravines. I’ve learned to respect the ‘Indie’ authors who have succeeded in the abyss of cyberspace that is drowning in books. I know now they didn’t just get lucky. They kept their heads above water through hard work. It astounds me, while giving hope, since I realize the dozen or so books I plan to write are simply waiting for me.

On a personal note, I discovered Goodreads and renewed my own love of reading. If nothing else, this journey has reconnected me with a high only achieved through reading a great book. I’ve decided to make Goodreads my first choice for social media. I hope to see you there.

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