The Magic of Midnight

The Magic of Midnight

My new shifter story, Chosen by Night, recently released as part of The Magic of Midnight anthology.

Marilyn never imagined shifters existed or the thrill of becoming a crow as black as the night. After an old curse is awakened, this sixteen-year-old must solve a mystery as other teens begin to shift and terrified parents scramble for answers.

Two hundred years ago, this curse started with the moon disappearing and ended with the destruction of their town. The night has chosen Marilyn and only her closest friends can help. Can they stop the curse, or will she lose everything she cares about?

I’m super excited about this story.

Besides the fact it has a wolf and a crow and it’s set in 1992, I included one of my favorite characters – Lorraine Conners. Now readers can get a glimpse into her life at 15.

Chosen by Night will be a prequel to my new shifter series. The next story releases in May so be sure to let me know what you think!

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